In 2015,
691 Churches
50 States
19 Countries
150,000 Women (+ a few brave men)
gathered in Wichita, KS and across the globe for the Living Proof Live Simulcast.
Beth Moore shared what it means to be Audacious for Christ—what it means to live audaciously, as mighty women of God.
Living Proof Live Simulcast Video Recap 2015:
Here are a few quotes we love:
“The opposite of a spirit of slavery is the spirit of adoption.”
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!” – Romans 8:15
“Audacity is our legacy.” @BethMooreLPM #LProof15
“We love with everything we’ve got and we stand in the Truth of God.”
“You are never going to live bolder than you pray.” @BethMooreLPM #LProof15
“To embrace our first Love we have to give up unforgiveness.”
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. – Romans 8:18, ESV
“You’re not just gonna be alright. You’re gonna live happily ever after.” @BethMooreLPM #LProof15
“We are going to put zero confidence in the flesh and 100% confidence in the Holy Spirit. This is audacity.”
“The whole objective today has been to enter in to the supreme romance that we were born for.”
We loved singing this song with you, as well: “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God!”
Be sure to check out our twitter and instagram feeds for even more quotes and pictures about the event. We loved seeing your pictures and tweets from the event, as well. Check out the #LProof15 hashtag on social media to see those.