Update: Oops! We sent a link to this content in a newsletter on September 22, but this contest is no longer accepting entries. We apologize for any inconvenience!
We are so excited to be bringing Beth Moore to you on September 12—this Saturday! We are especially excited about this year’s theme: Audacious.
Audacious is a deep dive into the message that has compelled Beth to serve women around the globe for thirty years. Glancing over the years of ministry behind her and strengthening her resolve to the call before her, she came to the realization that her vision for women was incomplete. It lacked something they were aching for. Something Jesus was longing for. Beth identifies that missing link by digging through Scripture, unearthing life experiences, and spotlighting a turning point with the capacity to infuse any life with holy passion and purpose. What was missing? Well, let’s just say, it’s audacious and it’s for all of us. And it’s the path to the life you were born to live.
We can’t wait to hear it and share this message with women around the world.
The live event is in Wichita, Kansas, but churches and women around the world will be live-streaming it. We hope you’ll join a church in your area for the event—check out this map to see if anyone near you is participating. If there’s not a church offering the simulcast near you, we hope you’ll gather with a few friends and worship and learn together. Purchase an individual pass here—it’s not too late!
One thing that is different about this simulcast is the digital pass is extended through November 15! This gives you even more time to watch (or re-watch) the event. We hope this provides even more opportunities for you to gather with others to hear God’s Word and worship and learn together.
Today, we’re going to make that easy for you by giving away two prize packs with three individual passes each. Each of our winners will have the opportunity to invite a couple of friends over to watch the simulcast with them! Click here to enter our Rafflecopter giveaway!
By entering today’s giveaway, you acknowledge Lifeway Christian Resources’ official promotion rules. Today’s giveaway starts at the posting time of this blog and ends Monday (09/14/2015) at midnight (12:00 am) CST. You must be 18 to enter, and you may only enter once. The winner will be selected at random. Only participants who live in the United States or Canada are eligible to win. For questions about the rules and regulations of this giveaway, please contact Heather Warfield at One Lifeway Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234-140.