I’m often asked, “What can we do for single moms? There is a growing segment of our women’s population in our church and community, and we want to help them.” We asked that often at my church (Long Hollow Baptist Church) and responded with an event designed just for single moms called “The Gift”. I’ve personally been a part of this event for the last several years and it’s been amazing every time!
Here’s what the event looks like. We extend the invitation to single moms in our community. Many are already being helped by community agencies, but they still may never have the opportunity to be pampered!
We ask for women to volunteer to pray, donate gift cards that can be given out as door prizes, serve as drivers to pick up single moms, and volunteer as greeters and hostesses. We have had hundreds of volunteers for this one event because women love single moms and want to take the opportunity to let them know it.
For the moms who drive to The Gift, the men in our church volunteer by to checking out their cars and let them know if there is any major work that needs to be done. Even the student ministry helps out as the teenagers of our church wash all the moms’ cars!
Many from our church and community volunteer their time to provide massages, hair cuts, manicures, and pedicures. Some of the moms find this pampering very emotional because it’s been a while since they’ve had time to just relax and be taken care of themselves.
All services are free to the moms and there is no charge for registration, lunch, or the childcare that is provided.
During lunch, the moms receive gift bags and hear from a special speaker who encourages them and shares how Christ, and the church, truly love them. We conclude with an invitation time and provided encouragers to stand by to minister. We’ve had many moms come forward for prayer.
Have you thought about ways you can minister to the single moms in your church or in your community? What are you doing to minister to them and love them to Jesus? Please share your ideas with us and other leaders!
Chris Adams is senior lead women’s ministry specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tenn. Learn more about Chris here.