Here are links to a few things we’re loving this week!
First of all, we love this picture of our Vice President, Eric Geiger, and his wife Kaye after their makeovers from their daughters’ “salon.” We just had to share!
This week was the Gospel Project Live event. If you missed it, that’s OK! All the content is available right here. You just have to enter your email address. We loved Jen Wilkin’s talk on Women’s Ministry, and all the talks are worth a listen. Check it out!
Larissa is currently obsessed with avocado toast. She eats it as often as she can. We love these easy ways to take the avocado toast love to the next level.
We love the War Room movie (out August 28) and the message it has for believers about prayer. On May 22, join Lifeway stores in praying that this movie will have an impact on our culture and bring us closer to Jesus. Here’s a link to the Facebook group so you can find out about events near you.
It’s May and that means graduation time! We love seeing all the cap and gown pictures on Instagram! If you need a gift for your graduate, check out this page from Lifeway stores. They’ve got you covered.
Y’all know we love She Reads Truth. This summer, they’re doing something new and exciting. They’re starting a 9-week reading plan of daily appointments with God and His Word, looking at the lives of 44 women in the Bible. It starts on June 1 and you can check out all the details here.
And just for fun because we love silly animal videos: