Here are links to some things we’re loving!
We love this A Beautiful Design sermon series by Matt Chandler on manhood and womanhood. We’ve been recommending it to everyone in the office and now to you!
The Skimm is how a lot of us love to get our news. The Skimm sends a daily email with the latest on world events and why they’re important. It is not a Christian resource, but we love the easy-to-digest way it presents the news.
We love this on The Fellowship of Suffering by Wendy at Practical Theology for Women. “There is a fellowship, a companionship, a comradery in this room of suffering in which we mutually sit. Paul calls this the fellowship of suffering.”
Get your tissues ready for this video. We love how this neighborhood (and Samsung) are loving their neighbor:
We LOVE guacamole. We don’t love it when it goes brown. Here’s the best way to keep guac green. Larissa said she does this every time and it really works!
We love this short post on The Beauty of No Shame by Eric Geiger.
Bee’s Knees Loft has cute clothes and accessories that we love. We also love that they believe true identity comes through Christ instead of clothes!