Scripture is clear about the husband’s role in a marriage:
“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.” —Eph. 5:23
There’s just no other way to slice it. God has called men to lead their families.
But maybe you’re finding yourself in a place in your own home where this is not the reality. Instead of your husband taking leadership for the spiritual health of your family, maybe you are.
Here are three practical ways you can help your husband grow spiritually as the head of your home:
1. Invite your husband to lead. Give him permission to lead the home spiritually and invite him to do so. Let him know directly that this is your desire. Don’t speak in code (most men don’t read between the lines too well).
2. Expect your husband to lead. Once you’ve invited your husband to lead the family spiritually, expect him to lead. Don’t do it yourself, especially when you sense that his spirit is waning. Encourage him and give him the space to step in and do it. If it doesn’t happen immediately, keep praying and expecting.
3. Affirm your husband for leading. Anytime—and I mean anytime—you see that your husband is stepping up as the spiritual leader of your family, affirm him. Let him know that you appreciate his courage and his faithfulness in leading the family spiritually.
What ideas do you have for helping your husband grow spiritually as the leader of your family?