Ideas for dinner, ideas for decorating, ideas for how to organize your pantry—you can find an idea (or 800 ideas) for just about anything on Pinterest.
I personally use Pinterest nearly every day; it’s my search engine of choice. My Pinterest boards are loaded with everything from kale recipes, to various shades of gray paint, to shoes I’m saving money to eventually (maybe) purchase.
Like other things in life, a lot depends on the company you keep. Here are a few of my favorite folks to follow.
I follow Lauren Randalls. Her beauty pin board is a curation of hairstyles, make up tricks and color combos.
Dr. Baby Mama Drama had an extensive board of organization and cleaning ideas. She’s straight-up practical. I like it.
Oh, Hello Friend has a plethora of downloadables and printables
Leigh Ann is our resident Lifeway Women graphic designer. Her entire pinterest account is a feast for the imagination and ideas. She’s a true gatherer of beauty. Her “I Am” board always encourages me in my faith. Always.
Emily Adams’ Kid Stuff board is loaded with, well, kid stuff.
Mary Margaret is a whiz in the kitchen—she really is a wonderful cook. Several recipes from her healthy eating board are on my recipe list.
Here’s some holiday inspiration from Charm & Gumption.
Chelsea Petaja for visual inspiration of all kinds.
79 Ideas. I’ve repinned nearly everything she pins.
And, I love Nester Smith‘s boards. I love her blog. I love her new book and the way she always reminds me that it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
Go forth and pin your heart out!
Wait! Before you go, tell us your favorite boards, pins, or pinners.
Amy Jacobs is a marketing strategist for the magazine and young adult ministries of Lifeway. In her spare time, she blogs at Gather and Build.