This year, more than maybe any other, I am aware of what the risen Christ means to me on a daily basis. As 2014 began, the Lord gave me the word “deeper” through the song Oceans by Hillsong United. I wasn’t sure what God would teach me this year, but in a nutshell…the grace of God and power of His resurrection.
He has proven to be ALL I need in the most desperate situations. When my hands are tied and I can do nothing in a situation with loved ones who are struggling and hurting, He has given peace, strength, rest, restoration and love. Now, I cannot acquire any of that without Him! No way, no how!
What are you facing today as you approach Resurrection Sunday? Has your ministry proven way more than you can deal with? Are you bombarded by needs and hurts of women that is outside your skill set? Are you overwhelmed by the pain of others, or your own pain? Have you or a love one just been diagnosed with inoperable cancer? Have you lost your job…again? Has a child abandoned the faith home you raised him in? Do you just have more to do daily than you can accomplish?
Oh, leaders, HE IS RISEN! He is so much more powerful than we give Him credit for! There is nothing that equals resurrection power! Read John 20 and bask in the power you see there. Hold onto verses 30-31: “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book.
But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name. “
No matter what you are facing today, you have LIFE in the name of the resurrected Christ!