Have you ever been in a place in your women’s ministry that just seems to be a holding pattern? Perhaps you want it to move forward quickly but for some reason it’s not?
Several years ago, I had to have foot surgery and be home for at least 2-3 weeks. (You can read a post about it here.) First of all I knew this would slow me down physically. I’m one who normally is on the go if I am awake. I love what God has called me to do regarding ministry, so not being able to be at the office for that period of time was not something I looked forward to. Overall, having to really slow my pace in everything was something I was dreading.
So, when the time came and I was home, I griped and complained the first week. By the second week, I’d listened to God and started to enjoy unhurried and extended time with Him daily. My outlook went from “how quickly can I get this over with and get back to full speed ahead” to “thank you, Lord, for this gift of time to slow down, heal and re-focus.” That made all the difference in the rest of my recuperation time.
In the same way, when ministry with women seems to be slowing or even at a standstill, allow God to teach you and your team so that the future of the ministry will move His way and in His time. That doesn’t mean you stop ministering to women in the mean time, but that you focus on what He’s doing in and through this less than 90 miles an hour speed pace. Use this as a time to listen to Him, pour into your team, pray with your women, seeking relationship with Christ above all. The ministry will flow out of that and the women will experience life change according to God’s plan.
My husband says I only have 2 speeds – dead stop or wide open and that’s kind of how I’ve lived my life! As much as I like to experience a metabolism rush and full speed ahead (kind of like I drive!), I’ve lived long enough to understand without stopping to listen and refresh in Him, I will burn out and be of no help to anyone else. Now I make time to be still and then go full out in between those times.
You can read about my beach time here. This is one way I refresh every year. By the way, I am facing foot surgery for a third time this December. Wonder how I will approach that slow down this time?
What about you? What about your women’s ministry? Where do you find yourself and the ministry right now? What do you think God is trying to teach you? Are you ready to listen?