The way we lead women today will influence what we leave behind as our legacy. Do you consider that as you lead women? Read this beautiful tribute below shared by guest blogger Stephanie Edge and consider what you are leaving behind.
On December 4, 2013, Lanese Dockery, was recognized for her contributions in serving alongside her husband Dr. David S. Dockery, President of Union University (1996-2014). Dr. Louise Bentley, Emeritus Professor of English and member of the Union Auxiliary, had the privilege of acknowledging Lanese’s work. Dr. Bentley’s comments painted a vivid portrait of a woman who is to be admired and respected. Her remarks were relevant to all women and to all women’s ministry leaders. Therefore, I asked permission to share her words with you.
Look out the windows to your right and there is a campus sign that says LANESE DOCKERY DRIVE. In case you have not noticed or do not know the significance of this, I have an explanation this morning.
When the Dockerys came to Union 18 years ago, he came as the President; Lanese came as a student. She rushed to classes, studied for tests, and knew the stress of deadlines. She completed her studies and became a Union University GRADUATE!—But that is not all—
Lanese was a wife and mother of three children, and is now a grandmother of five. —But that is not all—
She re-invigorated the Union Auxiliary to include all of West Tennessee instead of merely the campus and Jackson. —But that is not all—
She highlighted the need for more attention to our international students as well as students of missionaries. —But that is not all—
She developed a budget and initiated the Union Auxiliary Scholarship Fund designed to insure that juniors and seniors have financial help to complete their studies and graduate. —But that is not all—
She worked to make sure that the budget grew to thousands of dollars and even endowments (the government in Washington could certainly learn something from this woman’s budgetary skills!). —But that is not all—
The Union Board of Trustees unanimously approved that the Robert E. Craig service Award be presented to Lanese today at this august occasion. —But that is not all—
You see, Lanese is more than just a First Lady of impressive accomplishments—But that is not all—
She is a compassionate, humble, lovely, godly woman who epitomizes the answer to Proverbs’ question: Who can find a “woman of all forms of excellence”? —But that is not all—
Because “she is a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” —AND ULTIMATELY THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!
Written and presented by Dr. Louise Bentley
Emeritus Professor of English, Union University
Used by Permission
A tribute to you, a women’s ministry leader, may read much like the tribute to Mrs. Dockery and contain a listing of degrees, family, community involvement, accomplishments, and achievements. But, perhaps more important than what we do is who we are. What characteristics would describe you? Compassionate? Humble? Lovely? Godly? A woman who fears the Lord? As Dr. Bentley stated, a woman who fears the Lord is ultimately all that matters!
Stephanie Edge is the Director of Women’s Ministry, Poplar Heights Baptist Church, Jackson, TN and a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier. She graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity. Stephanie also completed a Masters of Theology and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Christian Education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Stephanie currently is an Associate Professor at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee and an Adjunct Instructor of Women’s Ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She has a passion for God’s Word and ministering to women.