Today we continue addressing these questions:
- What are the best habits of a highly successful women’s ministry?
- What are the best habits of a highly successful women’s minister/director/coordinator?
- What are the top trends in women’s ministry today?
Read part 1 here first. Today I am sharing compiled responses of the “best habits of a highly successful women’s ministry” regarding leadership teams:
- Ministry team is strong due to having different walks of life represented.
- Team of ladies who love Jesus, seek Him and humbly use their gifts & talents for His kingdom. Has leaders who have different gifts, talents and personalities.
- Leaders watch for God to point out women who love the Lord and are already busy doing His work in some way and then invites them to be a part of your team, if there’s leadership potential, or be a part of the ministry in some way. Prays women into their position.
- Mature, nurturing and emotionally healthy small group leaders discipling to reproduce themselves
- Mature, nurturing and trained lay counselors
- Healthy team dynamics
- Prayer and quarterly/annual evaluations of what’s working and what’s not working
- Frequent leadership training
- Networking with other women’s ministry directors outside our church
- Communication with as many women as possible in the church to help them see where God may use them in the church.
- Team dynamics that encourage women to effectively use their spiritual gifts.
- Apprentice/nurture/shepherd/discipleship of leaders. Always apprenticing future leaders
- Continual pray for each other on team
- Opportunities to integrate new ladies to the church into women’s ministry.
- Outreach events for ladies to bring their unsaved friends/neighbors to hear the gospel.
Think about your women’s team and share what else would you include in this list?
Watch for part 3 as we address the best habits of a successful women’s minister/director/coordinator.