Did you see the title of this post? I am watching it happen in my own church right now. With our pastor’s very serious and rare cancer diagnosis, our staff, our entire church body, not to mention his family, have been reeling with this news… BUT not without hope or faith. I am seeing incredible things happen at our church in the midst of this crisis.
Our church has experienced multiple numbers of decisions to follow Christ more closely. Many are first time salvation decisions. What the enemy could mean for harm is being used for God’s glory and His kingdom’s expansion.
As our pastor has preached in the midst of several surgeries, he has challenged us to live out what we have been taught, just as he is living it out. He has been vulnerable with us, transparent, showing his pain for his family, but most of all showing God’s strength and the knowledge that regardless of what it looks like, God is in control and He does have a plan.
At this point, none of us know what that outcome will be, but we are walking stronger watching our pastor face these challenges and not faltering in his faith.
What about you?
How do you handle crisis in ministry? Do you stop ministering and serving when you are in a crisis? As a leader, those you lead need to see you in the midst of struggle just as much as they do in the midst of success and joy. Ask yourself this the next time you face an insurmountable mountain:
Do I really believe God is Who He says He is and do I believe He will be faithful?
If the answer is not YES, then ask some prayer warriors to pray with you and hold you accountable for what you KNOW is true.
As you face those challenges, watch what God does to strengthen other women in their faith as well as draw new believers into the fold! God will use it for your good and the good of your ministry with women as well as bring glory to His name!
Be a shining light for the women you lead! A light of hope and peace no matter the situation.
How do you face crisis in ministry? Take a look at our current web show, Crisis in Ministry, for more testimonies.
Hurting Women category on this blog for supporting articles
Women Reaching Women in Crisis book
Shepherding Women in Pain, Bev Hislop
I Will Carry You, Angie Smith
American Association of Christian Counselors