I recently read a blog post that made me think we were still back in the 1980’s, or at least some of our ministries with women are. Women have been increasingly in the workplace since before then so I am wondering at the reference in this post to this being a new issue.
And the comment, “Women’s ministry either is on the decline or has a PR problem—or both,” made me wonder why then are there many effective ministries to women still growing? Granted, I used the word “effective” here because there are and always have been many ministries for women that were ineffective. I believe that is what this writer is referring to. I am sorry for her that she has not had a positive experience with women’s ministries. I do hope she will help build one at her church.
When I use the term “women’s ministries” I am not referring to a “program” but an emphasis of ministry to and with women in the church and the community. I am seeing many churches getting it right and helping women know, grow in and serve the Lord in the church and outside the church. In fact it this is NOT happening, then it’s not an effective ministry.
Now, it is true that ministry with women is different today and will be in the future. It’s different for every generation of women because each generation is different from the one before it. In a ministry that is fluid, changing as necessary to continue to be relevant to various generations of women, you will find many outlets for women to be poured into and opportunities for them to pour back in to others.
True, as mentioned in this post, we cannot categorize all women as the same. They are not and they will not all respond to the same thing. I LOVE her challenges to us in this post. They are right on!
I challenge young women who feel they are in a church where the ministry just isn’t “their cup of tea” to help develop it so that it is relevant for younger women without eliminating the older women. You are our future and if we fail to walk with and help equip and resource you to serve the Lord, then we fail as an older generation. If you speak up, you can be part of the solution to connecting the generations.
I challenge the older women who are wondering why the young women aren’t involved in the available ministries to talk to young women, include them on your team, and seek to go to where they are and connect with them. Again, if we fail to do this, we fail to invest in future women’s leaders.
It takes all of us, all ages and generations and life stages, to develop an ongoing and growing ministry where women can find community, deep Bible study, life discussions, mentoring, and opportunities to serve and make a difference in our world. The Kingdom is worth it! If you are a member of a church and there are women in your church, you have a responsibility to make an effort to follow God’s direction regarding ministry to and with women.
Women’s ministries will always be a part of the church if we are to be faithful to Titus 2:3-5. Older women must invest in the lives of younger women…and even if you are only 18, you are older spiritually than someone if you know the Lord, so there’s no excuse for not being a Titus woman. And no matter how old you are, you are NOT too old to make a difference! I love this quote by Richard Bach,
“Here is a test to find out whether our mission in life is complete, if you’re alive, it isn’t.”
Like Paul in Philippians 1:23-24, “I am pressured by both. I have the desire to depart and be with Christ—which is far better— but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.” If we remain on this earth, we are necessary for the Kingdom!
How are you watching to see where God is working in your women of all ages? Are you building bridges between the generations of women? If not, will you start doing that?
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