This is the fourth post in a series (read part 1, part 2, and part 3) from an on line interview with Judy Patterson at WomensMinistry.Net, which is Jennifer Rothschild’s leadership web site. It is a fabulous resource for women’s ministry leaders.
I will continue writing posts in this series (taken from my interview with Judy) that I hope will be helpful to you as women’s leaders.
Reaching all Generations through ministry with women:
- UNDERSTAND the dynamics of each generation. If you have not studied the uniqueness of each generation, you may be in the dark about how to reach, motivate and even understand the perspectives of generations other than yours. Women Reaching Women has a chapter titled “Reaching the Postmodern Woman” that gives an overview of the generations. Other helpful resources are listed below.
- Diversify teams you work with. Make sure that those serving in leadership represent all of the generations of women in your church. You need their insight as you develop ministry to all generations.
- LISTEN and dialogue. Keep talking even if it’s tough… sometimes the discussions can get difficult and anger might even creep in. DO NOT STOP talking. Keep at it until you discover what is behind those perspectives. I’ve seen this in action. At the end of the heated discussions, both younger and older women said, “I had no idea that was how you saw the issue.”
- Seek then to connect all generations. Check out our other posts regarding reaching young women. Here’s an example of an activity that can be so powerful: give each woman (all generations represented) an index card. Tell them, “Older women, write one thing you want to teach a younger woman and your age on a card. Younger women, write one thing you’d like to learn from an older woman and your age.” Later, read those out loud to all the women. You will laugh and cry as you watch the walls between the generations come down.
What are you doing to to connect all generations of women? Watch for one more post in this series.
Women Reaching Women
Transformed Lives
Lost & Found
The Millennials
YOU Lead
2013 Women’s Forum
Lifeway Women Live web casts