Between graphic artists, web designers, marketing strategists and social media specialists, we have labored {with love} over this brand new blog. We couldn’t be more excited to finally unveil it!
A few noteworthy things about this new blog space:
- Women Reaching Women has existed as a separate Lifeway blog for the last several years. Its primary audience is women’s ministry leaders (in any capacity)! We welcome it and Women’s Ministry Specialist Chris Adams to our new home!
- All upcoming Lifeway Women events are listed next to the Women Reaching Women blog roll. Click on the event that interests you, and it will take you to another page with more detailed registration information!
- Subscribe to our Lifeway Women e-newsletter, straight from the blog. The e-newsletter is bi-monthly and sent to the email address you designate. It contains Lifeway Women news related to new products or events!
- Have fun exploring the other tabs and checking out all of our content! It’s still a work in progress (isn’t everything?), so thank you for your patience as we get a few remaining things up and running!
This month on the blog, we want to introduce you to everyone here at Lifeway who has a hand in the work we do with women. But, instead of just simply introducing you to them, we’re going to let them tell you why they’re thankful {because we all know what major holiday we’re celebrating this month!}.
Starting tomorrow through the end of November {on week days only} we’ll feature someone different from Lifeway Women. From editors to event coordinators to marketing strategists to creative writers and designers to managers, Lifeway Women is made up of women {and a few brave men} who are just as passionate as you about Jesus Christ, the Church and ministry to women of all ages.
Now, we couldn’t do all of this without having a little bit of fun, right?
So we’ve decided to give something away {starting tomorrow} every weekday on our new blog! How’s that for fun? We’re talking Etsy gifts, Lifeway simulcasts, Starbucks gift cards, Lifeway Women products, a Le Creuset Signature French Oven…..
We don’t joke about giving things away, so we really hope you’ll stay connected throughout the the month of November to our brand new blog!
What caught your eye first about our new blog?