Some time ago, you read a very introspective and touching testimony by guest blogger, Lesa Floyd, Minister to Women and Ministry Development at Mobberly Baptist Church, Longview, Texas. As you enjoy Labor Day this year, take time to really rest from your labor!!
Just before the holidays I began to feel the need for some time away from full- time, night and day, 24/7 ministry. A time to stop the everyday routine to reflect and reconsider what this time in my life was all about. Only two weeks after my precious husband, Bob’s death 1 ½ years ago, I stepped right back into my life as a fulltime mom and minister. Life really didn’t look much different except for the fact that my husband was no longer there. He was no longer there to be my sounding board, my encourager, my leader, my protector, and my best friend. No one was there to tell me I was pushing myself too hard, or I was taking on too much,. It was time to take off to stop and rest. I was becoming weary and worn. I thank God for helping me to understand I needed some time away with Him (Matt 11:28). Even Jesus recognized the need to rest from continual ministry (Mark 6:31). I thank God for a supportive staff that allowed me the time away.
During this time, I spent extended time seeking the Lord each day. I read, reflected and remembered who God had created me to be reviewing my Birkman Inventory, retaking a spiritual gifts inventory , and reviewing all the life-changing experiences God has allowed. As I sought to know His will for my life at this time, He was so faithful to speak to me. (Ezek 3:22, Jeremiah 29:12-13).
As I read during these days early in my time away with the Lord I came across this poem that God spoke so clearly through:
Memorials of Frances Ridley Havergal
"I laid it down in silence,
This work of mine,
And took what had been sent me–
A resting time.
The Master’s voice had called me
To rest apart;
"Apart with Jesus only,"
Echoed my heart.
I took the rest and stillness
From His own Hand,
And felt this present illness
Was what He planned.
How often we choose labor,
When He says "Rest"–
Our ways are blind and crooked;
His way is best.
The work Himself has given,
He will complete.
There may be other errands
For tired feet;
There may be other duties
For tired hands,
The present, is obedience
To His commands.
There is a blessed resting
In lying still,
In letting His hand mould us,
Just as He will.
His work must be completed.
His lesson set;
He is the higher Workman:
Do not forget!
It is not only "working."
We must be trained;
And Jesus "learnt" obedience,
Through suffering gained.
For us, His yoke is easy,
His burden light.
His discipline most needful,
And all is right.
We are but under-workmen;
They never choose
If this tool or if that one
Their hands shall use.
In working or in waiting
May we fulfill
Not ours at all, but only
The Master’s will!
Throughout my time of rest, God continued to remind me of His deep, deep love for me and that mainly this was a time to be still and know that He is God (Ps 46:10).
Please consider these wise words from Lesa. God wants our attention on Him first, then ministry will flow out of our walk with Him in a way that truly honors Him and that is His best for us as we seek to reach women for Him!
Resources:Whispers of Hope
A Place of Quiet Rest, Nancy Leigh DeMoss Second Calling, Dale Hanson Bourke
Margin, Richard Swenson
Freedom From Busyness, Michael Zigarelli
Surrender, Nancy Leigh DeMoss
The Frazzled Female, Cindi Wood
Victoriously Frazzled, Cindi Wood
Lesa has been involved in the women’s ministry in the local church for over 10 years, and is passionate about encouraging and developing women to fulfill and live the abundant life God desires and created them to live. Lesa is a graduate of both the Basic and Advanced Women’s Ministry Certificate Program at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She serves as a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier and continues to lead and participate in conferences focused on developing women’s leadership skills in the local church and community. She was blessed to be married to Bob Floyd for 27 years before he was called home to be with the Lord in 2009. Lesa is the mother of two young adults, Lindsay and Taylor.