As a mother of 3 grown children, I’ve come to realize that the hardest job we as mothers have is RAISING THEM! Yes, we may or may not have jobs outside the home. We may be head chef, chief clothes washer, homework checker, boo-boo kissers, referee, taxi driver, team mom, and banker, but none of that matters if we’re not raising our children in homes that offer security, love, and most of all teaching them to love Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Let’s not forget that Jesus gave us His children for only this time on earth, but they belong to Him in eternity. We only get one whack at doing it right. Let’s do it right!
Want some help? We’re hosting this incredible event in September called dotMom. Whether you’re a mom of a newborn, elementary kid, middle schooler, or high schooler, the dotMom event offers help, hints, and Christian-based practical advice. It’s a weekend that will encourage and refresh you, connect you with other moms, celebrate motherhood, and draw you closer to Christ. You’ll hear from experts in the field of parenting like Jen Hatmaker, Dave Thomas, Vicki Courtney, Esther Burroughs, and Sissy Goff. Plus, there’s a broad range of breakouts, such as: The Working Mom, Infertility/Adoption, Raising Godly Kids, Single Moms, Home School Moms, and more.
My children are ages 28, 25, and 21. But they’re still my children and will always be my children, and I will always be their mom; and I’m still teaching them even at their ages.
A mother’s work is never done. And even though motherhood is the most rewarding job around and one we don’t get paid for, we could all use some help from time to time.
Let us help you. dotMom Birmingham, AL September 21-22