Hopefully you are not close to burn out, but if you are I suggest you read this blog post by Lina Abujamra. She gives some great ideas for those who are in burn out mode.
For those who aren’t there yet, how do you prevent it? Especially if you are Type A (a task oriented initiator get it done type of leader) you must put some things in place so you don’t get there!
First, begin to focus on your life purpose. Is the to do list you have for today supporting what you believe God created you for? What is God telling you on a daily basis? (That means are you spending time alone with Him daily so you will hear what He has for you that day?) Perhaps you need to revisit God’s call in your life regarding ministry. Make sure you are still where He asked you to be. Sometimes we stay where we’ve been for years never considering God has anything different for us to do and in that way we miss the “new thing” He is wanting us to do. Either He will confirm you are where you should be, or He will show you what He is asking you to let go of so you can grasp the new thing!
Next, take a look at this list and see if any of these practical tips would help you maintain balance so to avoid burnout:
1. Remember, “No” is an OK answer.
2. Put family over passion. They should be #1 passion!
3. Delegate responsibilities when possible and appropriate.
4. Make lists.
5. Do one thing at a time. (Hard for multitasking women for sure!)
6. Don’t do ministry alone. Train up a leader to assist and eventually take your place.
7. Let go of something. Ask God what that is.
8. Ban clutter. It adds to chaos.
9. Develop easy and quick menus. Plan them out for the month.
10. Maintain ongoing grocery list. Since you plan for the month you know what you need to put on the weekly shopping list.
11. Clean up as you cook.
12. Book appointments at the first of the day since that is when the wait is shortest.
13. Do errands one day a week. Map out a route so you are double tracking.
14. Eliminate phone tag. Leave a voice mail or send a text.
15. Exercise!! It truly is a stress reliever! I promise!
16. Take time off. YES! So important.
17. Be transparent. It’s so much easier to be real than to be fake and have to remember who you are to which people.
18. Let go of perfectionism, but not passion.
19. Be flexible so the Holy Spirit can work. His to do list is always better than the one we wrote down!
20. Pray over every decision and read the Word.
21. Listen to God!!!
God promises peace as we follow Him obediently. (Phil. 4:6-7, Isaiah 26:3) if you ever wonder how Jesus did what He did in just 3 years, read about just one day in His life by checking out Mark 9:21-29.
How do YOU avoid burnout? Tell us in the comment box.
Suggested Resources:
A Place of Quiet Rest, Nancy Leigh DeMoss,
Margins, Richard Swenson
Women Reaching Women