This is a continuation of sharing ideas for connecting the generations of women. See part 1 & 2 first!
More practical ideas for connecting the different generations of women:
7. Mother/daughter/other retreat-a mom and daughter plan to go to the retreat together but each girl brings an unchurched friend. It’s a special outreach event that connects the generations.
8. Meals on Heels-a creative take on Meals on Wheels. Younger and older women cook together and freeze meals. When needs arise, they deliver them together.
9. Jewelry party-very simply, the girls wanted to make jewelry and decided on the spur of the moment to invite older women to join them. Several accepted and it was a sweet time of sharing as they made some beautiful jewelry.
Watch for more ideas upcoming! Share your ideas for connecting the generations in a practical way! For more ideas also check out the categories on this blog “Leading Young Women” and “Top Ten for the Generations. “
Women Reaching Women, Revised and Expanded version, Chris Adams
Lost and Found, Stetzer, Stanley & Hayes
Context, Threads by Lifeway
The Millenials, Thom Rainer & Jess Rainer
Respect: Meaningful Ministry with Baby Boomers in your Church and Community, Craig & Gandy
Essential Church, Rainer & Rainer
Simple Church, Rainer & Geiger
The Barna Group on-line,
Gen Trends,
Scouting the Divine, Margaret Feinberg
No Other Gods, Kelly Minter
Interrupted, Jen Hatmaker
Sacred Roads, Heather Zempel
The Tough Sayings of Jesus, Michael Kelley
What Do You Do With Your Wait?, Mike Harder
Connect the Dots, Mike Hurt
unChristian, David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons