Recently at a YOU Lead women’s leadership training, we had a panel of leaders answering questions submitted by attendees. Several past and upcoming posts address those and try to help answer them.
Today’s question is: Could you give me some fun kick off ideas?
Sometimes we just need to get the attention of women so they can “hear” and “see” what is available to them as a woman who desires to grow in Christ and serve Him. One of the things we used to do when I served on church staff was for our pastor’s wife to host a brunch at her home once a year. Most women want to see the pastor’s house and tour the rooms so it’s a great way to get women to attend.
As the women visited each room, they met a leader who headed up a particular aspect of the ministry. The leader shared about that ministry and answered any questions the women might have. By the time the women went through the whole house, they saw the big picture of the opportunities they could be a part of during the upcoming year. Many women mentioned they had no idea so many different ministries were available to them as women in our church.
We offered food during the 11am to 1pm brunch so that those who worked outside the home could come on their lunch hour and eat as well as participate in the kick off.
Whether women ever come back to anything they discover, they at least they cannot say they weren’t aware!
What other ideas do you have for getting the word out about a new ministry, or just a new year in women’s ministry?