When their promotional leader was trying to figure out how to get the young women’s attending here are the questions she was asking:
Who is SHE?
What does SHE look like?
What does SHE want or need?
What does SHE need that she doesn’t even know she needs?
Who is missing in your Women’s Ministry?
Who are her friends?
Who is speaking into her life? (influences)
Who can reach her?
Do you want her to come here to your church?
Or are you willing to go to her? If so, where would you go?
Ministering to the Unconvinced: Time and energy are limited…how can SHE be convinced that we have something to offer her busy life?
Now as I was thinking about this, I see how it relates to young women, but I also see these are fabulous questions to ask any group of women that we’ve not reached yet. Just wanted to pass this along to you. I believe it will help you as you seek women who need to know and grow in Christ.