Part of the difficulty in learning to cast vision is that leaders are not taught specifics of how to go about casting vision. The vision is something that must first resonate with the leader. It is the destination for team and ministry in the future. It must then be cast by the leader for the team until they “buy in” and have embraced the vision too. This casting of vision is a process and not a one-time occurrence though. There are some basic principles for casting vision effectively: 2. The next step is to begin articulating the vision to individuals and small groups from the team who are influencers. The leader should choose wisely as she first shares this vision. She should share it in small increments and repeatedly with these individuals until they can “see it” too. Then they must be able to articulate it clearly. Not until they do, should they attempt to share it with anyone. At this point the leader has advocates for the vision other than herself. She has others talking to individuals with whom they have influence concerning this same vision. 3. The next step is to share the vision with the whole team. The challenge comes when the leader is able to “see” far ahead of where the ministry, or team, or both are at present. Knowing how to communicate the vision without scaring those that accept change very slowly is difficult at best. The leader who is able see far down the road ahead with this vision can begin to appear like the enemy to those she is leading. When the leader shares too much of the vision at one time with followers, she is gets “too far out front” of the team or her “ranks”. This can cause her to appear as the enemy. Simone Monroe, as well as serving as Director of Women’s Ministries at Lake Pointe Church in Dallas, Texas, is a Global Strategist for ProvenWay Ministries, and Lifeway Ministry Multiplier. As a speaker, conference leader, and freelance writer, she is also a member of the Association of Women’s Ministry Professionals. Simone has earned a Masters degree in Christian Leadership and a Certificate in Women’s Leadership from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Simone’s passion is teaching and developing women to fulfill their God-given potential. She enjoys presenting God’s Word in a fresh and relevant way in order to encourage growth in the lives of her listeners. Her two sons, their wives, and her five grandchildren are the light of her life. Transformed Lives: Revised Edition Visioneering, Andy Stanley Sharing a vision God has given you is not always easy. Read this post by Simone Monroe, Director of Women’s Ministries at Lake Pointe Church in Dallas, Texas,
Every leader knows that vision is a huge part of leadership. Casting the vision is an art form for a leader. Keeping it before the team is something that is necessary to build the momentum needed for the vision to be accomplished. 1. The first principle is for the leader to “see it” and be able to clearly and concisely articulate the vision and the purpose for it. This takes time alone with the Lord before telling anyone about the vision, with the exception of a close advisor who might assist in clarifying the vision.
Be sure to realize that the team as a whole does not “see” what you as the leader can “see”. Therefore, it is essential not to share too much too quickly with your team. You must take them by the hand and lead them one step at a time to where you want them to go. These steps help to cast perfect vision.