Recently at a
YOU Lead women’s leadership training, we had a panel answering questions submitted by attendees. Several past and upcoming posts address those and try to help answer them
Today’s question is: Can you expand on a younger women’s team? How often do you meet? What kind of input and service do they for the women’s ministry? How does the meeting flow?
In one of the workshops I led, I shared about the young women’s team at my church. We have a team of young women who head this up and if functions under the larger umbrella of our women’s ministry team.
These younger leaders plan and execute ministry to reach women like themselves. They decide which studies to offer¸ when and where to offer those studies, and they help to promote the groups among the younger women. We have even had some young women do studies from their home to reach their neighbors. Our women’s minister sits in on their meetings as I do as well as I can, mainly so I can learn from them what is working and what’s not. She gives input and advice as necessary but allows them to dream and plan as long as it supports the overall purpose of ministry with women.
Normally they meet about once a month for an hour or so. They took a break during the summer from the monthly meetings, but continued to offer some small groups. Once summer they had Bible study in the park while the older children watched the younger. Then they had a picnic lunch.
Many of these young women are involved in various other types of leadership and service. And that is the goal of all ministry we do with women…grow them up and set them free to serve and share their faith.
Not everything they do works out perfectly, but each time it has not, they have learned great lessons. The main thing is that we (if we are the older leaders) must listen to what they say and let them try things, even if we don’t think it will work! And guess what, sometimes it works better than anyone imagined!