Guest blogger Debbie Stuart serves as Director of Women’s Ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. She has served in and led women’s ministry for many years and her message is what God continues to teach her as she walks with Him faithfully as a leader.
I eavesdropped yesterday on an interesting conversation that really got me to thinking about my role (my assignment) as a leader in Women’s Ministry. The conversation took place in Joshua 14 – grab your Bible and listen in with me.
Here’s the deal: Joshua is dividing out the inherited land of Canaan (the Promised Land) to the Israelite Tribes (2nd generation because the first generation did not obey the Lord – except Joshua and Caleb) and in verses 6-14 Joshua and Caleb have an interesting conversation.
Take a minute and read Joshua 14:6-14. What do you learn from these verses? Jot a little list of important facts and principles.
This is what stood out to me: Caleb reminded Joshua about “the assignment” the Lord had given them years earlier. Their response to that assignment determined their destiny. I love that Caleb (regardless of what others were saying) “gave from his heart a good report”. (Joshua 14:7b)
Everyday in ministry we are given opportunities to respond favorably and faithfully to God’s assignment. Caleb also said, “For my part, I followed the Lord my God completely.” (Joshua 14:8). This is the prayer of my life – that I would follow the Lord my God wholeheartedly! It shouldn’t matter what other leaders or ministries do or don’t do, as Women’s Ministry leaders let’s lead with full integrity of heart!
Then I love the next part of their conversation (I’m 46, older women will enjoy this a little more) Caleb said, “I am as strong now as I was then…and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then”(Joshua 14: 11). He asked Joshua for the land that still had giants in it and he was ready to do battle. If anyone had the right to claim “I am exhausted” and tired of this, just give me a place to rest, it would have been Caleb. But according to Numbers 14:24 Caleb had “a different spirit” in him, which indicates he saw things differently and expected a different outcome that those around him. If we are going to reach the next generation of women and if Women’s Ministry is going to be relative, beneficial and valuable in the lives of women then we must cultivate a “different spirit”.
Sometimes we find ourselves on the receiving end of “not so good news” or an unexpected sometime painful situation. Although Caleb’s land still had giants, he knew the Lord would help him conquer them. After years of obeying and waiting on the Lord Caleb did not grow weary but was ready and eager to do the task assigned to him.
What about you? Are you as strong (and excited) for the Lord today as you have ever been? Are you following the Lord completely? My prayer for us is that we will be eager to serve the Lord and obey him completely!
Today’s post is written by guest blogger, Debbie Stuart. Women’s Ministry Director, Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX and is a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier. She earned her Women’s Ministry Advanced Certificate from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is a member of the Association of Women’s Ministry Professionals . In addition to being a conference and retreat speaker and Bible study teacher, she was the founder and director of Network Extravaganza in the Shreveport, Louisiana area. She is married and has two young adults.