Recently at a YOU Lead women’s leadership training, we had a panel answering questions submitted by attendees. Several past and upcoming posts address those and try to help answer them. Check out other Women’s Ministry Questions here.
Today’s question is: What do you do in a church that has tried women’s ministry quite a few times and hasn’t worked well?
Do you ever feel like this little girl when people don’t like your ideas? I do sometimes! I have a heart but lack confidence. I feel self-conscious to promote something not knowing if it will go anywhere and if girls would want to listen to my ideas. Every time I’ve brought up something there is one strong woman who doesn’t like the idea.
Oh, my, how many of us have been there? Several things I think will help in this situation. Try one of more of these as you pray through the next steps:
· Are you sure God has called you to lead in this position? If so, then you CAN’T give up! He will guide you as you move at HIS direction.
· Evaluate with several of your leaders, or those who have a heart for ministry with women, to discover WHY what has been tried before didn’t work. List the positive and negative aspects of what was done, who was leading, who responded. Then ask God how you can do it more effectively this time.
· Remember, confidence doesn’t come from us because it’s NOT our ministry. It’s HIS, so it’s not about us, our abilities, our ideas, or our popularity. It’s about Kingdom work done HIS way in HIS time. If we are obedient to Him and following His direction, then the results are up to Him.
· Make sure you are working with a team. As you pray together, plan together and seek His guidance, then the ideas are from just one person, but from a team who has listened to God.
· If you still have a naysayer, ask how she would do it differently to make it more effective.
· Keep asking the question, “what if we DON’T reach women for Him”, then what? It is worth the risk of failing and of others saying it won’t work to impact His kingdom!
In Galatians, Paul writes to those who are carrying each other’s burdens, “So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, we must work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith." Galatians 6:9-10. He also writes the Thessalonian believers in 2 Thessalonians 3:13, “Brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. “
Don’t give up what God has called you to do. Women’s lives depend on it!
Watch for future Q/A posts!