So I’m going to pick up where Sophie left off yesterday with Priscilla’s message at Deeper Still.
I’ll give you a minute to go back and read what she had to say if you didn’t read it.
Now I’m assuming you’re back.
After discussing our human inclination to overdo things, Priscilla gave us three simple principles to remember as we take our Sabbath. Or as it’s called in Hebrew, a Shabbat.
1. Resist the urge to continue.
God provided manna for the children of Israel as they wandered in the desert. But he commanded them to use the seventh day as a day of rest. There would be no manna on the seventh day, yet he would provide by giving them a double portion on the sixth day.
Our provision isn’t up to us. As Priscilla said, we don’t need to waste time trying to be God when he’s already there. He has given us many resources but he is the only source.
2. Remember what you used to be.
Take time to remember what it was like when you were still in slavery. What good is a free person who goes back to Egypt in his heart.
The point that I really took from this was that truly free people live generously in the security that God provides all things.
3. Recall what God has done on your behalf.
Deuteronomy 5:15 “The Lord your God brought you out with a mighty hand.”
This is the margin/time of rest where we recall what God has done on our behalf and take comfort in knowing that what he has started, he will finish.
Priscilla talked about what a difference the world will see in us when we are secure enough to rest in his provision. He is our hope and our peace.
Ultimately, she challenged us with 14%. One day is 14% of the week. The challenge she issued was for all of us to take 14 minutes of every day to pause before God to remember and recall what he has done for us. 14 minutes to rest in his provision.
I’m taking the challenge. Will you?