As you read today’s post by guest blogger, Shirley Moses, consider asking God who you might team up with as a leader in an accountability relationship. It is such a vital part of continuing to grow deeper in our walk as we serve and lead women.
One thing I have found that can stimulate our spiritual growth as a leader like nothing else is genuine accountability. So what does this look like in one’s life? It starts with giving another person permission to challenge, counsel, and correct you when necessary. Scripture is full of examples where God’s people were willing to learn from, lean on, and listen to others so their relationship could go deeper with the Lord.
Let’s face it- it can be difficult finding just the right person to help you grow deeper in the Lord.
What should you look for in an accountability partner? You need someone who:
1. Desires to deepen her relationship with the Lord. This is a must if you belong to a large church or a small church – or live in a large city or small town. Look for other women who desire to make the Lord the Lord of their lives.
2. Listens with her heart. You want an accountability partner who can listen to you from the heart. Look for a woman who takes time to listen to those around her.
3. Gives godly wisdom based on Scripture. This woman will make bible study and her personal time with the Lord – a priority in her life.
4.Confronts you when necessary. This comes from a heart which has your best interests in mind.
5. Encourages you. Each of us needs a balcony person in our life…someone who stands ready to cheer us on in our spiritual walk.
How do I find an accountability partner?
1. Seek God’s heart in this matter. God uses different people in our lives to help us grow in our relationship with him.
2. Go beyond your normal spear of friends to find your accountability partner.
3. You might even look to women who are in a town close to where you live. It is so easy these days to communicate through emails, Facebook, and texting. Then there is always my favorite way – face-to-face communication when time permits.
4. Take action! Contact those women who God has laid on your heart and discuss the possibility of starting a group whose focus is growing deeper in the Lord through accountability.
Finding women you can grow in the Lord with is not always easy, but it is well worth the hunt. We have an enemy – the Devil – and he is always looking for an opportunity to destroy the lives of believers. No one is immune from temptations. We need others to help us stay on track in our spiritual walk.
So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12
To gain greater insight into starting an accountability group, see the resource:
Heart Friends- Beginning and Maintaining a Small Accountability Group
Shirley Moses is an author, Women’s Ministry Team Advisor at Hagerman Baptist Church in Sherman, Texas, and the Women’s Ministry Consultant Women’s Ministry Consultant, Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. She also serves currently as a .Lifeway Ministry Multiplier, helping us train women’s ministry leaders across the country. Shirley contributed to our leadership book, Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level. She is also co-author of Heart Friends: Beginning and Maintaining a Small Accountability Group.