As a leader, are you in a season of just “persevering”? Sometimes we just have to keep putting one foot in front of another, doing the next thing God tells us. I’ve been in a season like this often and for different reasons.
One season began right after my husband and I surrendered to ministry. You can read about that here.
I wonder what you might be facing right now. Are you willing to persevere?
I read an article from The Brook Network titled Getting Through Tough Times . In this article, the author gives us 6 reasons why people persevere instead of giving up. I love this one that says, “the courage to persevere comes from a deep conviction that one’s purpose is right, and that god is behind it.” Read the entire article for the other 5. I do believe you will be encouraged.
Other Helpful Blog Posts:
7 Ways to be Women’s Leaders Transformed Through Trials…To Lead Women to Transformation