Recently we hosted a summit for leaders who serve in our state convention offices (Southern Baptist). Selma Wilson, our vice-president and leader of B & H Publishing Group a division of Lifeway Christian Resources shared 10 valuable lessons with us about being women in ministry in a mostly male ministry world. She has gained the respect not only of our leadership at Lifeway but across the Southern Baptist convention nationally. God has not only used her in powerful ways, but she has done it as a woman, and with grace that models leadership for us all.
This is part of a series of posts discussing these 10 points one at a time. You will be blessed as we all were when she shared them with us. Again, here are all 10 points in a list.
1. Be Yourself
2. Prepare to Lead
3. Love the People…Build the Team
4. Respect the Past (People, History, & Work)
5. Listen & Learn
6. Find Your Leadership Voice ( And Use It!)
7. Be Seen and Heard (Communicate, Communicate, Communicate)
8. Submission & Leadership
9. Humility & Leadership
10. Perspective…It’s not About You!
Today we will look at #8: Submission and Leadership
Another issue we need to keep in mind, as women in leadership, is that everyone has to submit. We see that in Romans 13:1¸”Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God. “ (HCSB) Since submission is a biblical principle , we need to consider how it affects our leadership role.
We are more powerful when we submit than when we rebel. Have you ever thought about that?
Rebellion indicates anger and resentment. Submission indicates willingness to put others first. Learn to submit, it’s a great place to live no matter who we must submit to or in what kind of situation. (Keep in mind, I am not talking about submitting to any kind of abusive situation.)
I can’t help but also consider submission to my husband as we recently celebrated 40 years of marriage. I’ve not always done it well, but it has been my heart to honor his leadership. He is the kind of man who makes it easy to submit to, and has never demanded it. He has sought to love me as Christ loves the church. I am grateful for God’s plan for the leadership in the church, as well as within my own home!
Now, back to this leadership lesson…who do you struggle to submit to when it comes to your leadership role? What do you think makes that so difficult? How would God want to you to handle the situation? Pray and ask for His guidance as you most importantly submit to Him and His Word.