*Post by Cindi Wood
During this season of thankful hearts and peace on earth, it’s terrific timing to engage in spreading some goodwill toward men.
Getting along with others during the holidays can prove to be challenging. It seems that most people are wired higher and stretched tighter. While holidays may be joyful and filled with celebration, these days are ripe for harvesting an explosion of STRESS!
It may be helpful to brush up on your people skills, since many you encounter are apt to be a bit edgy during the days ahead.
• Show a little mercy. You know… cut some slack. You don’t have to understand what’s going on with that grumpy co-worker or sarcastic sales person, to douse them with the love of Jesus! You can simply retaliate with a genuine smile and silent prayer. You may be the very person to redirect their focus. You’ll be truly blessed either way.
• Make a deliberate effort to get along. “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” That’s our admonition from Romans 12:18. Most of the time, it’s possible to live this way. We just have to make the intentional effort to do so.
• Look at things from the other person’s point of view. When others realize you are doing this, they feel valued. This is a great way to open communication and quite honestly, often wins people to your way of thinking.
• Get away with God! Now, of course you know this one is most important. Keeping your daily moments with your Heavenly Father ongoing and fresh will help you move forward with the Mind of Christ. His Mind is exactly what you need to make it through the holidays with JOY!
May this Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the days that follow usher you into the presence of our Sweet Lord and Savior. JOY TO YOUR WORLD! Cindi