One of the questions our leadership panel received at the 2010 forum was this: How do you deal with a season of feeling like a clogged drain? Your head understands, you walk in obedience, you trust, but the flame is flickering. I am walking daily and refusing to give in to discouragement, but it seems like a struggle. I have more struggle days than non.
Now, now many of you reading this have felt just like this? If you have been serving long at all you know that there are highs and lows in our spiritual journey. Sometimes you are floating above the mundane and learning new and exciting principles that impact your spiritual live daily. Other seasons, you feel like you are reading the Word, praying and yet there seems to be no progress. I tell my women’s small group at church often, “Can you at least see a little progress?”
If you are like me, you’d love to grow spiritually in leaps and bounds all the time. You’d love to say and do exactly what Jesus would want you to do. And sometimes you feel as though that is happening. But other times it seems like nothing at all is happening. Guess what…that is SO normal!
So, what do we do when we have a clogged drain and it is a dry season? First of all, you keep doing what you KNOW to do-stay in the Word, trust the truth not the feelings, listen to inspirational CDs and worship music, and pray continually. It would be really helpful to also get an accountability partner and ask them to pray for and with you.
Perhaps you could take a spiritual retreat for a day, a weekend or even a week. Many leaders have spent this kind of “quiet” time seeking God’s hand in their life and ministry. Many come away not only refreshed but with a rekindled vision for the spiritual journey they are on.
You may only see small baby steps of progress, but persist even when it’s hard. If you give up, you give the enemy the victory. His desire is to defeat you daily!
I remember during an especially dry ministry and spiritual season, I continued seeking HIM more than I was seeking an answer to the difficult situation. I felt like I was just barely treading water and not making any progress at all. As I sought HIM primarily, He began to teach me new aspects of His character. I developed an even deeper walk with Him. But what if I’d given up before that point? I would have missed this deeper life in Him. Don’t give up! He hasn’t moved at all. He knows right where you are and He cares enough to walk with you every step of the way. Believe Him!
Helpful resources:
Believing God
Knowing God by Name
Discerning the Voice of God
Me Myself and Lies