At one of our YOU Lead training events, this question was asked of our Q/A panel: How do you balance “pursuing” ministry versus waiting for God to open ministry doors for you?”
How would you answer that question yourself?
For those I have walked closest with in ministry, there wasn’t a “pursuing” really. There was a “following.” For me personally, the ministry call came subtly and slowly. I realize that is not how it is for everyone, but it was for me. The Lord, through Bible study groups, convicted me that I needed to be serving Him as well as learning about Him. As I began to serve, I was so blessed and fulfilled doing it, that I thought, “Why didn’t I start this earlier?” I never wanted to not be serving.
As I grew in discipleship, I had such a desire to help other women grow spiritually and little by little God began pushing me into uncomfortable places of leadership that truly stretched me beyond what I knew I could do. But I saw what He did when I allowed Him to work through me.
From lay person to part time on my church staff to eventually full time on that staff, the Lord moved. Each step was something God urged me to do as opposed to my looking for those open doors. I believe that when we are following on a daily basis, He opens doors right where we are. Sometimes He then moves us into other areas or locations, doing the same or even different types of ministry. Or He grows the ministry we are currently involved in. Or He encourages us to train others for ministry.
I guess the question is, are we serving right where God has us today? If not, why would God open bigger or different doors? He might, but I am just asking the question for us to ponder. Sometimes women will want to be on a platform and when asked this very question the answer has sometimes been, “Oh, I am so busy with my calling, I don’t have time to pour into women’s lives in my church (or community, or….).” To me that is a red flag.
The women in leadership or teaching that I know best are women who just served faithfully in their church equipping the body, and then God began to urge them into new and different realms of ministry. And I must say, many of us who have experienced His urging, moved obediently but kicking and screaming and asking, “God, are you sure about this?”
Wherever God has us RIGHT NOW, is where He wants to use us. I love this thought: “God has not placed us where we are simply for the output we can produce, whether at a factory, at a desk, at school, or at homes with children. He has put us there because that is a context in which he wants to display Himself.” –Chris Tiegreen (Colossians 3:23).
Let’s be faithful right here, and be ready for any and all doors He may ask us to walk through when He calls. God is up to something in and through you today, right where you are.
Tell us what God is doing through you right now.
Helpful Resources:
Attending the Bride
Discerning the Voice of God
Faithful Abundant & True
Pursuing More of Jesus