Becky Badry is our guest blogger today.
As a leader, do you wonder whether what you are doing is working, or even in line with what God has created and called you to do? Read this blog post and see if you are “successful.”
Have you ever tried to define success? If so, maybe you felt like you were trying to hit a moving target. Common responses found in current surveys fall into four categories.
Success is based on what I have. This was based on material possessions. However, material possessions never satisfy for long.
Success is based on what I feel. Success means experiencing particular feelings. However, feelings are often nebulous and elusive.
Success is based on what I accomplish. This means achieving goals. However, goals, even good goals, can become meaningless after a while.
Success is based on a personal mission. Possessions, feelings, and goals all take on new meaning when measured by a life mission. Do you have a Personal Mission? Do you know what God has created you to do? You will never be truly satisfied with life until you discover your Personal Life Mission.
Three Steps for a Personal Life Mission
Identify My Talents/Gifts – Ask "What am I good at?" and "What do I really enjoy doing because I do it well?" When God designed you, he put certain characteristics and abilities into your DNA structure. That combination of traits makes you unique! God wants you to do what he has gifted you to do!
Review My Experiences – Ask "What have I learned?" Our greatest lessons come from our hurts and pains. These need to be factored into a Personal Mission.
Decide What Is Really Important – The urgent is not always the important. God calls his children to invest in those things that will last. Ask, “What is of eternal value to God?”
“You are the one who put me together . . and I praise you because of the wonderful way You created me. Everything You do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt.” Psalm 139:13-14
Becky is Director of Women’s Resources and Missions Mobilization for the Colorado Baptist Convention. She is also a Lifeway Ministry Multiplier. In addition to serving Colorado Baptists as a missionary with the North American Mission Board, Becky has been a minister’s wife for over 30 years. She and her husband have served churches in Oklahoma, Georgia, and Colorado and are currently members of Riverside Baptist Church, Denver, CO. Becky has a passion to see minister’s wives network and find the encouragement they need to faithfully fulfill God’s call in their lives. Becky has completed her Women’s Ministry Certification at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and is a graduate of Golden Gate Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. She was also the recipient of the Educational Leadership Service in Ministry Award in 2010. Becky and Jay have two sons, Jeremy and Justin, and a wonderful daughter –in-law, Rochelle. Becky is also the founder and director of Women in Leadership Coaching .