Our guest blogger is Karen Alexander-Doyel.
Karen is a writer for the Tennessee Baptist Convention Ministers’ Wives blog. She is a speaker and conference leader, former pastor’s wife, and Lifeway Ministry Multiplier from Lenoir City, TN. Karen was married to Dr. Douglas R. Alexander, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Lenoir City until his untimely death a few years ago. They served in ministry in Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Ohio and Tennessee. Karen established and led women’s ministries in each church she attended and is a conference leader, writer and Bible study teacher. She especially has a heart for ministers’ wives and wants to help them love their special calling in ministry. Karen is married to Jim Doyel and is the mother of three grown sons (featured in the photo above).
Enjoy her words of encouragement in her second ministers’ wives post…
This is my third summer to try my hand at gardening. It is a learning experience that I am enjoying. I have made mistakes and have successes. The best thing is we are eating fresh vegetables almost every night!
How does this apply to the life of a minister’s wife? I am so glad you asked me that question. I am learning much about God’s work in my life through this garden. Let me share with you one of the things I have discovered.
The garden needs water everyday. I know this seems simple, but it is amazing how quickly the plants wilt in one day. Sometimes I water in the evening, thinking if I really soak the plants they will not need water the next day. Each time I have tried this I have seen plants wilt and some even die.
What does this have to do with you and me? We need the “Living Water” everyday. I believe in ministry it is easy to think we can soak ourselves on Sunday or during a Bible study and that will carry us through a day or two. Inevitably, we begin to wilt.
If we are not drinking the “Living Water” Jesus offers, when the heat comes, we will die. It is impossible to stand up to the trials and challenges that come our way without God filling us from head to toe.
Watering the garden takes time. I have to make sure every plant gets enough water to soak into its roots and make that root system strong enough to survive the heat of the day.
How are your roots? Are you firmly planted? Are you getting enough of that “Living Water?” Take time today to check your root system. How are you responding to your children being under your feet all day? Are you loving your husband? What are you doing with the criticisms or ‘helpful hints’ that church members are giving you?
John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scriptures has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
I so want ‘rivers of living water’ to flow from my life. Take the time you need to soak those roots and let them go deep.
Visit our ministers’ wives web page for more resources.