In Life Lesson #9, I’d like for you to consider what you have surrendered to the Lord to use for His glory. Now think about what you are holding back. Anything come to mind? A small part of your heart, your past, or maybe even relationships?
Luke 14:27 tell us that if we really want to be His disciple, we have to deny ourselves for His better calling. As a leader, we must be willing to allow Him to use ALL of who He created us to be for His Kingdom.
John 6 we read about a little boy who just had a few fish and loaves of bread. What was that in light of the huge need…thousands of people who were hungry? He could have held on to what little he had, but he gave it to Jesus to use as He wanted. In His hands, there was enough; and them some! I remember a former Lifeway director telling us as he brought a devotion on this scripture: “There is nothing too small that God can’t use it and nothing to big that God can’t fix it.”
Can you imagine what would happen in our churches and communities if everyone gave what little she had to offer and allowed God to use it for His glory? Well, let’s bring it back to us. What are we holding back, not thinking it’s enough for God to use? Or what are you allowing to be a roadblock to ministry that God can “fix” if we just hand Him what we do have?
Oswald Chambers addresses surrender several times in My Utmost for His Highest. Check out devotions on these dates: March 12 November 16.Pray daily asking Him to reveal what you have not surrendered and be ready to give it all to Him!
For more helpful resources, check out Women Reaching Women Beginning & Building a Growing Women’s Enrichment Ministry, Revised.