“Will you disciple me?”
“Will you mentor me?”
“Can we meet and maybe you can show me how to read my Bible like you do?”
“Can you teach me how to hear from God?”
If you’ve been in ministry very long, you’ve probably heard these questions—or a variation of them. The concept of mentoring or discipling is not a new one. In fact, it’s been around since biblical times (check out Titus 2!). Scripture sets forth our mandate for discipling others.
But here’s the big question: what does discipleship look like in girls’ ministry? How do you differentiate (or do you?) between discipleship and mentoring? Or even counseling? The terms are thrown around, but with such different concepts in mind, we need to get on the same page, with the same direction and the same vision.
So let’s talk about it—on Tuesday, March 23rd at noon, through a web cast.
Amy Pierson, girls’ minister at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, will be joining us soon to discuss this topic. She a disciple and a discipler. She’s passionate about girls’ ministry but even more passionate about helping girls and young adult women discover and apply God’s Word for ourselves. She is also the author of the new girls’ ministry book Table for Two: Doing Life and Savoring Scripture Together.
Want to join us? Good. Join us on Tuesday, March 23rd at noon for the Girls Ministry: Mentoring Girls Webcast.
Other articles on Girls’ Ministry:
Growing Girls into Godly Women 7/22/2006
4 Opportunities to Reach Teen Girls 9/22/05
5 Steps to Starting a Girls Ministry 9/8/04