A few weeks ago, through my work here at Lifeway Women, I tagged along to one of our events called “Going Beyond“. This event was led by one of the most amazing bible teachers on platform today, Priscilla Shirer.
What made it so amazing?
The focus on prayer. That’s right. Prayer.
Now granted, the worship led by Priscilla’s VERY talented and gifted brother, Anthony Evans, was nothing short of amazing. Oh, how God used him to lead women dead center before the Throne. And Priscilla’s teaching? Gracious me. She drew us in with her authentic love for God’s Word. He used her to make Scripture real, right before our very eyes.
But again, it was the focus on prayer during that event where God just “got me”!
You see, as part of any Going Beyond event, we pray. A lot. Face down, hands stretched to the sky, prostrate on the floor, at the alter, in the balcony, in the hall. Quietly, openly, With tears. With smiles. It is a precious time with the Lord. And I feel pretty certain there is nothing out there quite like it.
And oh how God moved.
At the Going Beyond event in Ft. Worth, like at all the GB events, the participants were asked to fill out prayer cards. During the evening session, the cards were brought to the alter. Priscilla then led in a prayer over the cards and for the women who poured their hearts and souls into them.
And hear me when I say, the prayer needs were all over the map.
Some prayed for health issues, some their own, some for others. Many asked for prayer for their marriages. For their lost spouse. For their lost children. Some were grieving so, that it was ONLY by the power of the Holy Spirit that they were able to make it past the threshold of the church to attend the event. The needs went far. The needs went deep.
After the Friday evening portion of the event, Priscilla returned to her hotel room. With her, hundreds and hundreds of 3X5 cards that began with the words “My Prayer Is …”.
Priscilla read every one of them. I tell you the truth. EVERY single one of them. Many nights, according to her husband Jerry, Priscilla loses hours of much-needed sleep, as she prays and cries and asks God to intervene in each and every situation.
Saturday morning brought an optional prayer experience for the participants where Priscilla continued to lift up the needs of each woman there, with attentive prayer to those who left cards on the alter the night before. And to say that God moved mightily during that time is simply an understatement.
As the event closed Saturday, understand that the cards were NOT left in a pile in the corner. They were NOT thrown in file 13. They were NOT dismissed as some “part of the program” that will be replaced with a new set of cards at the next event.
The cards were divided among those who attended and those of us who worked the event. We then committed to praying daily for the needs listed on the card. And even if we’d never hear the “end of the story” this side of Glory, we committed to pray. So we pray.
This is my card.
I don’t know the author. I don’t need to know. What I DO know, is this woman had a heavy heart when she laid it at the cross that weekend. I’ve carried this prayer card with me since the day I left Ft Worth, and I will continue to do so until there’s nothing left of it. Clearly, the tattered card has already been through a lot since that February weekend.
Today, I share it with you, as I believe the anonymous writer of this card would be honored to know you were praying for her. This is how her precious card read:
“My prayer is … that God will save Freddy. Heal my heart from this our broken marriage. Save my children that they may have a personal relationship with Christ. Deliver me from all ungodly relationships and make plain my spiritual gift and that I may begin my walk in it today”
This is where the rubber hits the road, my friends. Whether you are an infant in your relationship with Christ, or a mature believer of many years, a small group leader, Sunday School teacher or a pastor’s wife. We are called to pray. And it is no coincidence that you landed here today.
I’m believing, along with Priscilla and other sisters who attended Going Beyond with me in February, that God is going to do an amazing work in the lives of those who asked Him to move in these requests.
That is my prayer today. Would you join me and make it yours?
This is a blog entry from Pam Case’s personal blog called “Livin’ Out Loud: Journey of a Pastor’s Wife” www.livinoutloud.me