We’ve experienced a “first” in our house the last couple of weeks. My son, Josiah has a friend in his second grade class who’s mom has been very sick with breast cancer. Their second grade teacher is amazing and every year she encourages her entire class to run the kid’s music city marathon here in Nashville. Well, this year it was even more special as every kid in the class trained for the marathon and they all ran for Connor’s mom. The class made the news as they wore their pink bandanas, pins, wrist bands, and shoe laces. To say the least, it was powerful to watch these kids rally together and support the cause.
The battle ended a little over a week ago when Connor’s mom went home to be with the Lord. Josiah was really sad, but as I expected, he embraced the fact that she was in heaven. The one thing I guess I didn’t expect was that he began to talk about how old Connor’s mom was and how old I was. Internally, I began to panic with the thought of God taking me home before my children were grown. We decided to go to the viewing and I was so glad we went. Many of Connor’s buddies were there to hang out with him in the room where all the food was free! I saw Connor laugh and play in the midst of his pain.
So you know, Josiah accepted Christ one month before his 6th birthday. On the way home that night, he asked me, “Mom, what if I turn away from God? Will I still go to heaven?” What a grown up question. It gave me the opportunity to remind him that because he has chosen Jesus, he was in the palm of His hand, and God was never gonna let him go. He asked more questions and our walk through downtown Franklin, and driving home was one I will forever remember. He prayed for Connor and his family that night with sadness in his voice, but assurance of his own salvation. My little guy put on his sports coat that night and became a little man. I was very proud of him.
Have any of you had a similar experience? I would love to hear your stories. It’s so amazing how God uses each of us to learn from each other, gain insight, encouragement, and grow closer to Him in the process.