“Fireproof is HOT” – pcase
I have probably said that 100 times since attending the preview screening at SBC a couple of nights ago.
Here are a few of my thoughts. It’s not what I would call a “review”, but just what was top of mind for me after walking out of the theatre Tuesday night.
I truly don’t want to take away one thing from the opportunity you have to see the movie when it comes out. But consider this the beginning of me becoming a promotional mouthpiece for the flick.
Within the first 5 minutes, I heard sniffling and russle through handbags for tissues. I knew early on that I was going to be moved to the core. (And it wasn’t just the ladies sporting streaming tears, by the way.)
And wow, there were some moments that just blew me away. I’m talking edge-of-my-seat type scenes. Kudos to the production people for keeping us engaged with some “near Hollywood” levels of intensity.
Weaved within the entire movie, some humorous interaction between the characters that truly made us laugh out loud. So, kudos for some clever scriptwriting! And to the “regular people” from Sherwood Baptist as actors who pulled it off!
And something else about the acting: I think having Kirk Cameron in the lead role brought a new level of professionalism to the screen that had a positive affect on those who joined him on the set. This time around (since Facing the Giants) I discerned a “rising to the occasion” by the church members. Of course, I don’t discount for a second what God does with “regular people”!! He has a knack for doing that type of thing, doesn’t He!
“Welcome to the new normal” was a key quote – so look for that one from lead actor Kirk Cameron.
Bottom line: One of the best presentations on reviving and protecting the marriage relationship that I’ve ever seen. The vision from Sherwood was dead on and I believe God will use this film to meet people where they are in a troubled marriage! And even if a marriage is not in trouble, this film will remind us all where we shoulld strive to be in our journey.
I would also suggest this as “required viewing” for any single person with hope of marriage in his/her future. Wouldn’t it make sense to learn about “fireproofing” a marriage BEFORE it begins?
There will be other “screening opportunities” for this film in advance of the September 26 theatre release. If I hear of exact dates and locations, I’ll toss them out here so you’ll know about them.
Comment us if you know of a screening in your area and we’ll make sure we help spread the word.