We know that volunteers are instrumental in helping every ministry thrive. They serve with passion and fervor, often without any expectation of recognition or reward. However, as church leaders, it’s important to appreciate and value the contributions of our volunteers. Recognizing and celebrating their efforts not only shows our gratitude for their dedication but also serves as an opportunity to build stronger relationships with them. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some creative ideas and practical tips on how to show your volunteers that they are valued and appreciated. Whether you’re looking to express your gratitude to nursery volunteers, greeters, traffic directors, Sunday School teachers, or any other church volunteer, these appreciation ideas will help you celebrate and recognize the hard work of your volunteers in meaningful ways.
Here are some ways you can appreciate your volunteers:
- Dinner complete with raffle prizes
- Amazing Race style service and games afternoon
- Family-style potluck event
- Volunteer retreat
- Formal dinner (a fun reason to get dressed up) with awards
- Progressive dinner with games
- Dinner and a show put on by your staff
- Family movie night (provide popcorn/snacks and volunteers can bring their families)
- Have staff fill out thank you cards with specific reasons they appreciate volunteers, and deliver them all at once
- Church swag (Example: a nice sweatshirt)
- Nice journal, a Bible study, or a book
- Desert/house plants (ie. cacti, succulents)
- Provide their favorite coffee, soda, etc. during times they are serving
- Chick-fil-a gift cards (they often donate these!)
- Christmas ornament with your church name/year or a Bible verse
- Keep track of volunteer’s birthdays and send them a card or small gift
- Keep track of the date volunteers started and send a card or email on their anniversary
- Pay for them to attend training events related to the ministry.