Calling all Bible study leaders! Our team works hard to create resources that can help you promote your Bible study, go deeper with your group, and preview your next potential study. These FREE resources are available on our Bible study landing pages!
Have you checked out our Bible study landing pages recently? (You can find the link to each study’s landing page on the back cover of every Lifeway Women Bible study book. It’ll look something like this:
Here are a few things on the landing pages you might have missed:
- NEW: A downloadable leader guide. Our redesigned leader guide PDFs set you up for success as a Bible study leader or small group facilitator. The downloadable PDF format makes it easy for you to access the leader guide from your tablet or phone, or you can print it out! The new format includes suggestions for how to structure your group gatherings, space to take your own notes after each question as you prepare, a place to keep track of group prayer requests, and more! If you purchase a new Bible study book and don’t see a leader guide in the back of the book, be sure to check the Bible study landing page on our website. (You can find the link to each study’s landing page on the back cover of every Lifeway Women Bible study book. It will look something like this:
- Church marketing assets. This includes power point slides, a bulletin insert, a printable poster, and a Bible study invitation. These resources are a great way to promote your next Bible study to your church and community.
- A Bible study sample. We know you miss having the ability to physically flip through a Bible study book, but this just might be the next best thing! The free full-color study samples give you access to the table of contents, introduction, and usually the first full session of study. If someone joins your group late, she can use the sample until her Bible study book arrives!
- Bible study promotional videos. Most of our Bible study pages include video clips directly from the Bible study teacher, including a promotional video, the heart behind the study video, and preview clips from the study. These videos are a great way to learn more about the study and preview the teaching videos.
Ready for more? Head over to this page on our blog and download our small group starter kit! Don’t forget to share your next Bible study with us on social media. Tag @lifewaywomen on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!