We don’t know about you, but we’re already excited for the warm days of spring and the beautiful blooms it brings. With a new season just around the corner, it’s time for us to announce our next online Bible study, In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor! If you’re new to our online studies, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with thousands of other women around the world while we study the Word together. And, if you’re a leader, you can use them to preview studies and new teachers before walking your small group through them.
We’ll be studying In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor starting March 9, 2023.
In this 9-session study on the book of Romans, Courtney Doctor will walk you through Paul’s powerful letter to see the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel. You’ll be overwhelmed with the good news of God’s merciful rescue as you better understand the depth of your need. This life-changing message provides not only hope for eternity, but purpose, joy, and peace for today. And as the good news of the gospel of grace unfolds through Romans, it will compel you to proclaim God’s glorious salvation to all.
To learn more about this study, watch the video below or click here.
Here are the rest of the details you’ll need to participate in this study:
- You’ll need to grab a copy of In View of God’s Mercies (Friends outside the U.S., check out this list of online retailers around the world. Or, check out the eBook version of the study!)
- We’ll post a new video session on onlinestudy.lifeway.com on Thursdays at midnight CT (barring any technical difficulties). Once you log in, you will see the available sessions.
- For the first week, you’ll watch the video first and then complete the Week 2 material in the study book before we meet again!
- Go to your email and add “churchresources@email1.lifeway.com” to your contacts. This way, our emails are less likely to go to your spam folder.
- Videos will be available until May 18, 2023 (11:59 PM CT), allowing some breathing room for those who join in late or miss a couple of weeks.
Have more questions? Check out our Online Bible Study FAQs.
**A note about the videos: We will be offering the entire Bible study videos online for free for a limited time. Videos will be available until May 18, 2023 (11:59 PM CT), allowing some breathing room for those who join in late or miss a couple of weeks.