A note from Kelly King: Each month, we will feature a leader who ministers to women, either through the local church, a non-profit organization, or in the marketplace. In today’s Q&A, Dawn Stephens is featured. Dawn leads the Women’s Ministry at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama and has served as a Lifeway trainer for several years. You can hear Dawn this year at our You Lead event in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 23. You can register here.
Who has been most influential in your ministry leadership and how did they influence you?
Rhonda Kelley at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary by being available, helpful, and always giving practical wisdom in connecting and leading people.
How do you practically spend time with the Lord each day? What is your normal practice?
Early morning in a Bible study, devotion, or reviewing our pastor’s sermons. I try and journal a book of the Bible periodically.
What is your best piece of leadership advice to another women’s ministry leader?
Lead in your strengths; staff in your weaknesses. Know who you are and how God made you, and lead in that giftedness. Bring other women along who have giftings in areas you do not, and equip them to use those gifts to disciple women in your church.
What is your current leadership struggle?
Managing two areas of ministry.
What “new” thing are you trying this year that is requiring faith?
Leading Special Needs ministry
Dawn has been involved in women’s ministry in both volunteer and staff positions for many years. She is the Women’s Minister at The Church at Brook Hills, in Birmingham, Alabama. Her desire is to train, equip, and encourage women to use their God given gifts and abilities to show Christ’s love and grace to our world. She graduated from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Women’s Ministry certificate program, has served on the Alabama Baptist State Women’s Ministry leadership team, and serves as a Lifeway Women’s Trainer. She is a contributing author to Transformed Lives Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level. She is married to Greg and has one son, Tyler. They make their home in Birmingham, Alabama.