A note from Kelly King: Are there seasons in your life when you forget that ministry isn’t a job, but it’s a holy calling from an awesome God? Today, Diane Nix helps us think through ways we can recalibrate our thinking and reflect on God’s greatness and His goodness.
I can still remember the first time I was asked to speak to a group of women. The message was not polished, but it was sincere. My hands trembled and my voice shook, but I mustered up courage and opened my mouth. I was in awe that God called ME to ministry. I knew my past. I knew the depths of darkness from which He had pulled me. Yet, here I was teaching before a group of women.
Years later, there are times when the awe of my call has shrunk. There have been times where the work of the ministry has overshadowed the incredible privilege of serving my God through my calling. Let’s face it. Religion is our business. And if we approach our ministry from this perspective, there is no awe factor. There is work to be done. Deadlines to meet. People to care for. The truth to be told to those people can become an assignment or task in our “Christian planners.”
Are you like me? Are you busier than you planned to be? Has your ministry workload caused you to lose the “awe” of your calling? I am practicing some steps I would like to share. Will you join me during this holiday season in reflecting on the fact that the Creator of this universe has chosen to use us to communicate His Holy Word? It is an awesome, humbling call.
Remember where you were when you asked Christ into your heart. Remember the emotions you experienced when He became your Savior. Where were you? Who was with you? What were the circumstances around your conversion? Personally, I am blown away as to how He orchestrated my heart coming to Him!
Recall those first days of your salvation and the excitement of knowing Jesus. I was like a sponge. I soaked up the Word. Every part of this new life was mind-blowing to me! I desperately desired to be what He wanted me to be. What about you?
Reflect on your surrender to ministry and your maturity in Him. Draw out a timeline marking key learning moments or jot down some major life lessons that God has taught you through the years. Can you see how God has prepared you for this season of leadership? Spend time in thanksgiving for these moments of instruction. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10, NIV).
Refresh your mind as you return to the Scriptures God used to call you to your leadership position. Read and think on them. Ask the Lord to speak through them as He did at the beginning of your ministry journey. The first verse I memorized was Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
And finally…
Renew your commitment to seek Him before any appointed or assigned ministry work. Understand that whatever we do in our leadership roles, God has appointed our time.
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
There has been a revival in my heart, and colossal humility has come as I realize in part how He is using my story today. I am so grateful, He has called me to this life. Would you join me during this season of gratitude and remembrance?
He isn’t looking for perfect leaders but faithful followers who lead.
The happiest of Holy days to you!
Diane is the director and founder of Contagious Joy 4 Him, a network of encouragement to ministry wives around the globe. Diane shares her journey of lessons learned while being a pastor’s wife for 21 years. She and her family experienced the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina where—after living in New Orleans for only three weeks—they lost every daily living thing. Author of the book, When God’s Woman Wants to Give Up!, Diane sheds light on “never giving up” in the midst of trials. Her husband, Dr. Preston Nix, is professor of evangelism and evangelistic preaching at NOBTS. Serving in ministry together for 34 years, they have two biological daughters, two spiritual-grown daughters, two special grands, and a spiritual son in-law. She is an author, speaker, and blogger.