A note from Kelly King: The hymn “Trust and Obey” has always been one of my favorites. There is something special about resting in the Lord’s path and being obedient to take the next step where He leads. As you head into summer, let Dawn Stephens’ encouragement wash over you as a prayer and a blessing. Dawn will be training leaders at our upcoming You Lead in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It’s not too late to join us or connect with us in a city near you. Visit our website to find out where we will be headed the rest of 2018.
As I sit here this morning and head into a summer loaded with lots of uncertainties, the old hymn that my mom sung to us at bedtime comes to mind.
Trust and Obey
When we walk with the Lord
in the light of His Word,
what a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
As women, moms, wives, and leaders to other women, we carry burdens of all types:
As women, we carry burdens for our sisters of all ages and life stages. We keep in our minds and hearts the burdens of their loss of children, marriages, jobs, health—you name it. We carry these burdens and worries because we love our friends.
As moms, we carry burdens for our children, of all ages and stages. We worry about their futures, their hearts, their friendships, and their relationships with us.
As wives, we carry burdens for our husbands. We worry for their health, their jobs, their relationships, and their hearts.
As leaders, we carry burdens for the women we serve. We worry about their spiritual conditions and their relationships with the people they serve.
And we can get stuck in this downward spiral of worry, despair, and depression…but God.
As I hear that old hymn in my ears, it fights these worries and burdens and reminds me to trust God and obey His commands.
I trust God, who loves me to the point of sacrificing His only Son for my broken and immensely sinful heart.
I trust God, who saw me before the foundations of the earth and knew I’d walk the road I’m on today.
I trust God, who created my husband, son, and women in my church and loves them all as He loves me.
I trust God, who allows my free will and the free will of others for my growth, discipline, and trust in Him.
Therefore, I will strive in grace to obey Him in my attitude, choices, and my relationships. And I know He will abide with me and will be with me wherever life takes me until the end of my days.
I can “be happy” in Jesus, knowing He is pleased with me when I am pleased in Him, and I can let Him carry these burdens for me.
Maybe sing this old hymn anew this season and walk with God this summer.
Dawn has been involved in women’s ministry in both volunteer and staff positions for many years. She is the Women’s Minister at The Church at Brook Hills, in Birmingham, Alabama. Her desire is to train, equip, and encourage women to use their God given gifts and abilities to show Christ’s love and grace to our world. She graduated from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Women’s Ministry certificate program, has served on the Alabama Baptist State Women’s Ministry leadership team, and serves as a Lifeway Women’s Trainer. She is a contributing author to Transformed Lives Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level. She is married to Greg and has one son, Tyler. They make their home in Birmingham, Alabama.