A Note from Kelly King: Occasionally, we bring you links to blogs we’re reading. If we see something that catches our attention for women leaders, we want to share it with you. Today’s “Learning From Leaders” features a blog from Dr. Terri Stovall entitled, “Three Ways to Keep a Spiritual Focus This Holiday Season.” Terri does an excellent job of helping all of us think through priorities during the holiday season and how to keep our focus on the true meaning of Christmas. You can follow the Biblical Woman blog here and check out the women’s programs offered by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Terri is the Dean of Women’s Programs Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. She earned a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Philosophy from Southwestern Seminary. As the Dean of Women’s Programs, Terri oversees the academic programs for women as well as the various women’s organizations on campus. She has served in Southern Baptist churches as women’s minister and minister of education. She is the co-author of Women Leading Women: The Biblical Model for the Church and a contributing author of The Teaching Ministry of the Church. Her heart and passion is to equip and enable women to reach women and families for Christ. She and her husband Jay currently live in Arlington, TX and enjoy motorcycling as well as traveling the country riding rollercoasters.