A Note from Kelly King: The longer I follow the Lord, the more I’m learning about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, walking in the Spirit, and being filled with the Spirit. It is often beyond my understanding that God Himself would take up residence in my heart and never leave—both convicting me of sin and comforting me in times of grief or pain. In today’s article, Carolyn Tatem helps us walk through practical ways we can lead under the influence of the Holy Spirit and allow His Word to impact our daily lives.
My fifteen-year-old son was recently diagnosed with an abnormal heart rhythm. I took him to the doctor for a routine physical so that he could be cleared to play sports in school. Surprisingly, his doctor immediately referred us to Children’s Hospital where they ran several tests on his heart. We were told that his heart was skipping and that he would not be cleared to play sports right away. Although this was devastating to my athletic son, I knew that it was best to make sure that he was healthy enough to be active. After one month, the doctors determined that he could be active again, but surgery was suggested to correct the problem and to prevent him from having to go through this every time that he wants to play sports.
I thank God because a few days before Thanksgiving my son survived six long hours of surgery. The surgery was a success, and he went from having an abnormal heart rhythm to a normal heart rhythm. When he came out of surgery he was still under the influence of anesthesia for about 30 minutes. He was talking in such a way that we knew it wasn’t his norm. His speech was different and slower than usual; he was extremely hilarious. My daughter videotaped him so that he could see and listen to himself while he was under the influence. It was clear that the anesthesia was in control of his speech and his actions.
We have watched the video and laughed several times about the way that my son talked while being under the influence. As I laughed, the Lord began to speak to me about being under the influence of His Holy Spirit. When we are under His influence, our talk and our walk is different. God is calling all of His leaders to lead and serve under His influence. Not our will but His will needs to be done. Influence is the process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc. God wants us to be so led and guided by Him that our actions, behavior, and opinions line up with His Word, His will, and His way. Are you willing to be led and influenced by the Almighty God?
Here are 10 Tips for Leading Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit:
I = Intimacy: Maintain a close walk with the Lord. Being intimate with God helps us to make a greater impact on others. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).
N = Nourish: Feed yourself with regular times of prayer, praise, and reading God’s Word. If we want to grow and be led by God, we must feed ourselves with the pure milk of the Word (I Peter 2:2).
F = Faithful: Be faithful to God and follow the promptings of His Holy Spirit. Be obedient to what God tells you to do (Ezekiel 36:27).
L = Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, and soul. Love God, and share His love with others. Love is the key to reaching and winning others (Luke 10:27).
U = Understand what the will of the Lord is before making decisions, teaching, and leading in ministry (Ephesians 5:17).
E = Example: Lead by example and be a good example of a believer. Imitate Christ (Titus 2:7).
N = Never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are under His influence we receive power (Acts 1:8).
C = Continue earnestly in prayer. Pray about everything (Colossians 4:2-6).
E = Encourage others to have a relationship with the Lord. Share your faith and be a witness for Christ (Acts 1:8).
D = Determine: Be determined to walk in the Spirit. The flesh and the Spirit are constantly in battle, but God wants us to be led by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-18).
Carolyn Tatem is an author, speaker and teacher. She has a passion for marriage and helping singles to prepare for a successful marriage. She wrote her first book in 2010 titled, “Marriage from A to Z” (Principles for a Successful Marriage). Two years later she published her second book, “The Marriage from A to Z Study Guide.” This summer, Carolyn will publish her third book, “Marriage from A to Z for Singles.” Carolyn is happily married to her husband William Tatem. In August, they will celebrate 18 years of marriage. Together they have three children.