This year we want to focus on who God is. Each month we will concentrate on a different attribute of God, and we’ll have one of our authors share what the attribute has taught her about Him. Plus you’ll find pretty free art downloads at the end of each post! We pray this series draws us closer to God as we meditate on who He is. Nicki Koziarz continues the series with some thoughts on what it means that God is infinite.
“Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” -Psalm 147:5
There’s something about my personality that makes me believe I can do so much with my life. But then, there’s this quirky offset to this audacious internal belief system …
I tend to think everything I want to accomplish should cost about five-dollars and should take about five minutes.
And so, I’m often frustrated and ready to give up when I realize how much more is involved with my aspirational to-dos. There’s not infinite money and time in my life. I have limitations that often crush my seemingly limitless dreams.
My days, my efforts and my time are measurable. I cannot do all the things, all the days, all the time.
Maybe this is why it tends to be hard for me to really understand how the power of God is truly immeasurable.
When we think about God, sometimes our brains try to comprehend how it is He can do all He can do. In a society filled with books, messages, and conferences on how to get more done in less time each day, it’s intriguing to think of how much God truly accomplishes each day.
How does He do it all?
Seems like a silly question, right? Maybe not.
There are a few things the Bible tells us God cannot do, here’s a few:
He cannot lie.
“ … in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promise long ages ago.” –Titus 1:2
He cannot break a promise.
“I will not violate My covenant or change what My lips have said.” –Psalm 89:34
He cannot be tempted by Satan.
“No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by God.” For God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself doesn’t tempt anyone.” –James 1:13
And what the Bible tells us God CAN do is astonishing:
He can be everywhere at the same time.
“The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, observing the wicked and the good.” –Proverbs 15:3
He can know everything about everyone.
“But even the hairs of your head have all been counted.” –Matthew 10:30
He can handle everything we bring to Him.
Oh, Lord GOD! You Yourself made the heavens and earth by Your great power and with Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You! –Jeremiah 32:17
So yes, that’s how God “does it all.”
When I look at my life filled with my many limitations it becomes incredibly comforting to know I serve this infinite, limitless God who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Forever. We as flawed humans toss around the word “forever” like we think we know the fulfillment of that word.
I’ll love you forever.
We’ll live in this house forever.
That tree has been there forever.
But our forevers have limits. Really, the honest question is, what else do you have in your life that truly has no beginning and no end?
I can’t think of anything other than God.
Most of us will spend a lifetime filling our lives with things that appear lasting but are really only temporary. Consequently, I’m starting to wonder what my limitations would look like if I spent more time, more energy, and more effort on the one thing that is really the only lasting thing.
More time understanding His character so that mine looks like His.
More time reading His Word so I know Him better.
More time in His presence so I hear Him clearer.
More time just being in awe of Him so I remember how limited I am.
I feel as though I need a daily reminder in the midst of all the aspirational to-dos on my lists. And thankfully that reminder is there: Jesus. Taking the time to lean into His presence each day reminds me of the things that are passing but also the things that are still to come. The best things.
This is why you also must be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. –Matthew 24: 44
Our seasons will come and our seasons will go, but the infinite power of God will remain the same. From generation to generation. It’s comforting to know His presence is permanent, but challenging me in my days that feel so ever-changing.
Nicki Koziarz is a wife to a marathon-running man and momma to three beautiful, but hormonal, girls. She and her husband purchased a fixer-upper farm where life has become nothing but an adventure at all times. Nicki is on staff with Proverbs 31 Ministries, and when she speaks, she inspires women to encounter God in powerful ways, believe in the power of Jesus to overcome the impossible in their lives, and unite the church from generation to generation. Her Bible study is called A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit: 5 Habits from the Book of Ruth.
We have provided free art for you to help you keep God’s holiness in your focus this month. Just click on the links below to download. We’d love to know what God is teaching you this year—share on social media with the hashtag #GodIs2017.
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