I have never been a terrific athlete. In high school, I ran cross country and was on the swim team, but I have few trophies to my name.
Nevertheless, I am very competitive.
Whether it’s a simple board game with my family or finding ways to be successful at work, winning is in my DNA. Some may call it ambition or pride, but I think winning is a biblical principle. All of us cheer at the thought of David conquering Goliath. We rejoice in the fact that Jesus conquered death through the resurrection. Even Paul said in
1 Corinthians 9:24, “Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to win the prize.”
How can you win in your ministry leadership? If you are leading women in the local church, you can set yourself up for success by instituting some simple “wins.” Whether you are new to ministry or you feel “stuck” in ministry, here are four strategies that will help you establish some easy “wins.”
First, assess your current situation. If you want to move forward quickly, start with a conversation. Talk to other women in your church and discover what ministry is already taking place. Conduct a survey and gather opinions from women in your church. Ask good questions and gather your findings. Once you assess your situation, you can develop a strategy that will meet some immediate felt needs.
Second, increase or change your communication methods. If you want an early win, people must know your ministry exists. Use social media by creating a Facebook group and an Instagram account. Don’t discount email, but use it wisely and gather contact information from those in your sphere of influence. Use traditional methods, such as your church website, the worship guide, or other forms of communication. People don’t know what ministry opportunities exist unless you tell them. And, by the way, most people need to see the same message at least seven times before they really see it once.
Third, enlist the right team members. The best athletes are those who understand the value of team. While I’m a huge Oklahoma City Thunder basketball fan, I get frustrated when Russell Westbrook tries to win a game on his own ability. The same principle applies to ministry. Include others you don’t know and those who have influence in different areas. Include a variety of ages and stages of life. Include others who have different spiritual gifts than you. Include others who bring strengths to your weaknesses. Set clear expectations for the team and celebrate their contribution.
Finally, look for ONE thing you can begin immediately. What can you change that seems to be something everyone agrees upon? Don’t look for something huge, but look for something that will have immediate impact. One simple win builds on another. I’m praying you find a simple win in the coming week. I’ll be cheering you on.
Kelly King is the Women’s Ministry Specialist for Lifeway Christian Resources and oversees the YOU Lead events. Join her this year and get to know her heart for ministry leaders. Follow her on Twitter @kellydking.