Several years ago a ministry wife approached me with an honest question. “Why do you only offer Bible studies during the day?”
She continued to explain that since she taught school it was impossible to attend our women’s Bible study. As I stumbled for an explanation about facilities, childcare, etc., I discovered I was just making excuses. I was not considering all of the spiritual needs of women in my church. I was just offering options that were convenient to me and seemed successful for women I knew.
After much prayer and discussion with our staff, we decided to launch a new evening Bible Study for women. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made in ministry. Within six months, the evening study grew larger than the morning study and continues to be a met need among women who work outside the home.
So, why should you consider offering evening Bible studies for women? How can you better meet the needs of women who can’t attend studies during the day? Here are four ways you can expand Bible study options to meet the need for women in the marketplace.
1. Consider offering an evening study that is on the same day as the morning study. Offer the same study so there isn’t “competition” about which study is better. By offering the same study, you’ve also given women the option to attend the other in case their schedule changes.
2. Consider offering evening studies in homes. This doesn’t mean you can’t offer home studies during the day. It’s just that many women might be more comfortable meeting with others in the setting of a home rather than in a church facility.
3. Consider the children. If women need childcare, look for existing children’s programs that are offered at the same time. Many times children can participate in Wednesday evening learning activities while women take advantage of learning God’s Word.
4. Consider what studies you choose. If women are coming to the study after work, chances are they have had full day. They may not want the pressure of a lot of homework. Choose studies that fit their lifestyle and spiritual maturity.
What other considerations would you add? Are you a working woman? How does your church offer Bible studies that fit into your schedule?
Kelly King is the Women’s Ministry Specialist for Lifeway Christian Resources and oversees the YOU Lead events. Join her this year and get to know her heart for ministry leaders. Follow her on Twitter @kellydking.